Vision Statement: The Brainerd Nordic Ski Club promotes Nordic Sports in the Brainerd Lakes Area.
Mission Statement: The Brainerd Nordic Ski Club supports an active & healthy lifestyle
through Nordic Sports by:
• Trail Grooming
• Club Membership
• Social Activities
• Athlete Support
• Grant Administration
• Fund Raising
• Nordic Sports Programs
• Community Partnering
Nordic skiing is a low-impact, a total body workout and has numerous health benefits. It's the ultimate cardio exercise, the number one calorie burner and provides a sensational endorphin high. It can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels, and can be purely recreational or highly aggressive and competitive. Sunlight absorbed through the skin while Nordic skiing is often the only natural source of Vitamin D during the winter months. Sufficient Vitamin D is necessary for the prevention of coronary disease, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and hypertension (high blood pressure), as well as maintaining strong bones. Nordic skiing --diagonal or classic skiing in particular-- is one of the safest and lowest-impact sports in the world. Nordic skiing is a relatively unidirectional sport, with very little rapid twisting and torquing, and therefore is far less likely to cause a pulled muscle, torn ligaments and cartilage, or hemorrhaged disks. And because Nordic skiing uses all muscle groups in a coordinated and balanced effort, good posture is the default stance of all Nordic skiers, further reducing chronic muscular and soft tissue injuries. Known as a "runners high" or "endorphin rush," the second wind that a Nordic skier feels during a good workout on the trail is second to none. The physical and mental workout has prepared the body for a fantastic night of sleep, and the stresses of the daily grind are quickly sub planted with dreams of another snowy day on the trail. Fast heart rate is sustained for long duration’s during Nordic skiing. This sustained rapid heart-rate is exactly what your heart needs in order to be strengthened and to improve your heart's capacity to pump blood efficiently and effectively. As your heart beats faster, supplying oxygen-rich blood to your muscles and organs, your lungs must also keep up with the challenge. This increased respiration exercises your lungs by improving their capacity for "peak-flow" and exchange of oxygen between the inhaled air and the blood perfusing the lungs. This increased peak air flow, together with strengthened diaphragm muscles, will enable you to exercise without "losing your breath," further increasing your stamina and endurance. Utilizing every major muscle group simultaneously requires a great deal of energy. And in the human body, energy comes from burning calories. Burning so many calories generates a lot of heat even on the coldest days, so it's best to dress in layers that you can peel off. Other benefits to your heart include significantly reducing your total cholesterol --reducing triglycerides and LDL's, and promoting healthy levels of HDL's. Nordic skiing is a great way to develop your coordination skills. In addition to the physical benefits of Nordic skiing, the sport graciously provides a number of psychological and spiritual rewards. It gives the participant a chance to enjoy the outdoors, even in the harshest weather conditions. Who knows, when you learn Nordic skiing, you might even learn to love winter.
Nordic skiing is a low-impact, a total body workout and has numerous health benefits. It's the ultimate cardio exercise, the number one calorie burner and provides a sensational endorphin high. It can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels, and can be purely recreational or highly aggressive and competitive. Sunlight absorbed through the skin while Nordic skiing is often the only natural source of Vitamin D during the winter months. Sufficient Vitamin D is necessary for the prevention of coronary disease, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and hypertension (high blood pressure), as well as maintaining strong bones. Nordic skiing --diagonal or classic skiing in particular-- is one of the safest and lowest-impact sports in the world. Nordic skiing is a relatively unidirectional sport, with very little rapid twisting and torquing, and therefore is far less likely to cause a pulled muscle, torn ligaments and cartilage, or hemorrhaged disks. And because Nordic skiing uses all muscle groups in a coordinated and balanced effort, good posture is the default stance of all Nordic skiers, further reducing chronic muscular and soft tissue injuries. Known as a "runners high" or "endorphin rush," the second wind that a Nordic skier feels during a good workout on the trail is second to none. The physical and mental workout has prepared the body for a fantastic night of sleep, and the stresses of the daily grind are quickly sub planted with dreams of another snowy day on the trail. Fast heart rate is sustained for long duration’s during Nordic skiing. This sustained rapid heart-rate is exactly what your heart needs in order to be strengthened and to improve your heart's capacity to pump blood efficiently and effectively. As your heart beats faster, supplying oxygen-rich blood to your muscles and organs, your lungs must also keep up with the challenge. This increased respiration exercises your lungs by improving their capacity for "peak-flow" and exchange of oxygen between the inhaled air and the blood perfusing the lungs. This increased peak air flow, together with strengthened diaphragm muscles, will enable you to exercise without "losing your breath," further increasing your stamina and endurance. Utilizing every major muscle group simultaneously requires a great deal of energy. And in the human body, energy comes from burning calories. Burning so many calories generates a lot of heat even on the coldest days, so it's best to dress in layers that you can peel off. Other benefits to your heart include significantly reducing your total cholesterol --reducing triglycerides and LDL's, and promoting healthy levels of HDL's. Nordic skiing is a great way to develop your coordination skills. In addition to the physical benefits of Nordic skiing, the sport graciously provides a number of psychological and spiritual rewards. It gives the participant a chance to enjoy the outdoors, even in the harshest weather conditions. Who knows, when you learn Nordic skiing, you might even learn to love winter.